Intro: What to Expect on this 30 Day Journey
Watch this video to learn of what you can expect from this journey and how you can get the most out of it.
Day 1: Conversations with Me
One of the most powerful tools of self-discovery is self-questioning. Who am I? What’s my purpose? What’s my triggers? Etc… Take this time to interview yourself. It’s okay if you don’t have all the answers, yet.
Day 2: Shadow Yourself
Shadowing, in the job sector, allows you the benefit of exploring the day in the life of a professional. Self-shadowing is similar. Use this time to observe, not judge, yourself on a daily basis.
Day 3: Look Who's Talking
While our inner dialogue can sound just like our own voice it can often be the messages of our parents, teachers, friends, and loved ones that we are actually rehearsing. So, who’s really talking?
Day 4: My Programming
What “coding” has been used to program you? What is your default setting?
Day 5: Who/What is the Problem? Me, You, or It?
People often think that THEY are the problem but never realize that the problem is the PROBLEM. This shift in perspective changes the way we handle ourselves and the way we approach the problem.
Day 6: Identity Barriers
Let’s explore the barriers as it pertains to Self-Identity. Are these barriers in your way of self-discover?
Day 7: Who am I NOT?
Answering the question, “Who am I?” can be a tough question so sometimes it’s best to start with “Who am I NOT?!” and then work from there. Once you know who you are NOT it frees up space to ask, “well am I then?”
Day 8: My Characters-Lights, Camera, Action
We all play different roles in our daily lives. Who are you with friends, with family, with an intimate partner, with yourself?
Day 9: Self-knowledge Creates Responsibility
Awareness creates responsibility. The more you know the more you will be held accountable for. Maybe that’s why people say ignorance is bliss. We think knowledge is more blissful!
Day 10: Know Thy SELF-Care
In order to SELF-care you must know yourSELF. How do you know the necessary care and maintenance if you don’t have an understanding of the product? You.
Day 11: My Life Story
The good, bad, and ugly all are a part of who we are. What is your story…the full story?
Day 12: The "Me" Recipe
All of our experiences are tossed into our pot of life to make our “me” recipe. The ingredients may not taste good separately but when combined they make for a nice meal. What’s included in your “me” recipe?
Day 13: My Growth Chart
Growth often happens so subtly that we do not realize it unless someone points it out to us or we slow down to reflect. Let’s use this time to be introspective and take note of our growth thus far.
Day 14: My Habits
We often mislabel our “habits” as “our personality”. Is it your personality or is it just a habit?
First 14-Day Overview
Let’s pause and reflect over the last 14 days before jumping ahead to the rest of this 30-day journey.
Day 15: SHH! I'm Trying to Listen
We can be so busy and/or distracted that it leaves very little room for in depth thinking and active listening to ourselves and to God. Take this time to silence the noise and incline your ear to God’s voice.
Day 16: My Spiritual Gifts
Are you aware of your top spiritual gifts? Knowing our spiritual gifts helps us to know what we were born and purposed for in this world.
Day 17: Who/What is Calling You?
The things that “call” us are typically a great indicator of what we are “called” to focus on in life. What calls you on a daily basis? Are you listening?
Day 18: God's Character and Identity
It is said that we are made in God’s image (a reflection of Him). Are you still wondering about your identity? Let’s gaze into the mirror of God and see what we find looking back at us.
Day 19: The Created Me vs. The Made Me
So often we are living the “made” version of ourselves rather than the “created” version. Dive into today’s message to learn the difference and to explore ways to transform your life back to the created state.
Day 20: Who Do I Act Like?
Our behaviors is a direct reflection of our thoughts and beliefs. What do your behaviors say about you?
Day 21: My Open Hands-Learning to Surrender
Holding on to things, beliefs, people, perspectives, attitudes, behaviors, memories, etc…can do more hurt than help. What is in your “hands” that could be cause of self-destruction?
Day 22: My Strengths- What is Right with You?
In the midst of a world of “what’s wrong with you?”…Let’s focus on “what is right with you?”
Day 23: Detachment-Me vs. Everything Else
We can be so attached to things in our world that when things change or when life demands that we adjust we find it hard and sometimes nearly impossible to do so. Why? And what is the solution? Perhaps having a sense of detachment will help.
Day 24: My Core Beliefs
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t…you are right.” - Henry Ford
So much of who we are is hinged on what we believe. What beliefs are at the core of your being?
Day 25: Altruism-It's Bigger Than Me
When it’s all said and done…you will be most remembered for the way you made people feel and what you did for others. We can impact many lives when we remove selfishness and egocentrism and focus on the well-being of others too.
Day 26: Who am I Looking for and What Do I Need from Them?
Our brains are social organs so we are hardwired to seek out relationships whether it be the nurturance from a mother/father or intimacy from a partner. We often look to these people to fulfill certain needs. Who are you looking for and what are you seeking from them?
Day 27: Make Room for the New
It’s hard to bring in the new when the old is still occupying space. What old things are still occupying “real estate” in your life and in what ways can we make more room for the new?
Day 28: Create
Everyone is a creator; whether you think you are or not. Tap into your creative spark and discover a whole new world of possibilities personally, professionally, relationally, and spiritually.
Day 29: Trusting the Process
Sustainable growth and change takes effort and time. You’ve put in the time and effort so now let’s continue to trust the process. You may not be where you desire to be but I’m willing to bet that you are not where you started.
Day 30: A Life Well Lived-My Encyclopedia Bio
Well this sounds like a bum way to end a 30 day Self-Discovery Journey! Hear me out…a biography is a great way to thoroughly tell the life of a person. Not just the surface stuff like where they worked but also the intricate and intimate details about their “behind the scenes” life including failures, successes, etc... What will people recount about you when you take your last breath? Deciding once you take your last breath will be too late! Think about it now.