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  • Day 29: Trusting the Process

    Day 29: Trusting the Process

    Sustainable growth and change takes effort and time. You’ve put in the time and effort so now let’s continue to trust the process. You may not be where you desire to be but I’m willing to bet that you are not where you started.

  • Day 27: Make Room for the New

    Day 27: Make Room for the New

    It’s hard to bring in the new when the old is still occupying space. What old things are still occupying “real estate” in your life and in what ways can we make more room for the new?

  • Day 23: Detachment-Me vs. Everything Else

    Day 23: Detachment-Me vs. Everything Else

    We can be so attached to things in our world that when things change or when life demands that we adjust we find it hard and sometimes nearly impossible to do so. Why? And what is the solution? Perhaps having a sense of detachment will help.

  • Day 21: My Open Hands-Learning to Surrender

    Day 21: My Open Hands-Learning to Surrender

    Holding on to things, beliefs, people, perspectives, attitudes, behaviors, memories, etc…can do more hurt than help. What is in your “hands” that could be cause of self-destruction?

  • Day 20: Who Do I Act Like?

    Day 20: Who Do I Act Like?

    Our behaviors is a direct reflection of our thoughts and beliefs. What do your behaviors say about you?