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  • Day 30: A Life Well Lived-My Encyclopedia Bio

    Day 30: A Life Well Lived-My Encyclopedia Bio

    Well this sounds like a bum way to end a 30 day Self-Discovery Journey! Hear me out…a biography is a great way to thoroughly tell the life of a person. Not just the surface stuff like where they worked but also the intricate and intimate details about their “behind the scenes” life including failures, successes, etc... What will people recount about you when you take your last breath? Deciding once you take your last breath will be too late! Think about it now.

  • Day 28: Create

    Day 28: Create

    Everyone is a creator; whether you think you are or not. Tap into your creative spark and discover a whole new world of possibilities personally, professionally, relationally, and spiritually.

  • Day 21: My Open Hands-Learning to Surrender

    Day 21: My Open Hands-Learning to Surrender

    Holding on to things, beliefs, people, perspectives, attitudes, behaviors, memories, etc…can do more hurt than help. What is in your “hands” that could be cause of self-destruction?

  • Day 20: Who Do I Act Like?

    Day 20: Who Do I Act Like?

    Our behaviors is a direct reflection of our thoughts and beliefs. What do your behaviors say about you?

  • Day 19: The Created Me vs. The Made Me

    Day 19: The Created Me vs. The Made Me

    So often we are living the “made” version of ourselves rather than the “created” version. Dive into today’s message to learn the difference and to explore ways to transform your life back to the created state.

  • Day 18: God's Character and Identity

    Day 18: God's Character and Identity

    It is said that we are made in God’s image (a reflection of Him). Are you still wondering about your identity? Let’s gaze into the mirror of God and see what we find looking back at us.

  • Day 17: Who/What is Calling You?

    Day 17: Who/What is Calling You?

    The things that “call” us are typically a great indicator of what we are “called” to focus on in life. What calls you on a daily basis? Are you listening?

  • Day 16: My Spiritual Gifts

    Day 16: My Spiritual Gifts

    Are you aware of your top spiritual gifts? Knowing our spiritual gifts helps us to know what we were born and purposed for in this world.